From what it seems in my experience, if one had to compensate for a weak or inharmonious part of a natal chart, then this is a good method to use. This means that the line was most likely a conjunction/opposition line degree and occasionally MD/IC and Ase/Des are gone into detail. On average when I hear people talk about astrocartography, most often they usually just say that they went to a specific planetary line and their personal experience there, and usually specific details as to what the degree was, the natal or transit chart to the area, etc, are not said. The mods reserve the right to remove any content which they feel do not reflect the nature of this sub No pretty pictures or diagrams that make no sense No links to videos that do not invoke discussion or that promote your own channel or are spam. No low effort posts in general, such as "is everyone ready for Libra season?" etc. "what does the sun in 3rd represent?" or "what does the sun in 4th opposite mars in the 10th indicate?" or "if my partners sun is in Gemini and my Moon is conjunct will we get married?" Low effort questions are questions that are too simple and show how that you haven't researched the subject enough on your own. No overly basic beginner questions, r/beginnerastrology is a great resource for beginners

No general horoscopes, r/astrology do these regularly and they're great. No personal chart questions, this includes emailing the mods about chart questions. This subreddit was created in response to users of r/astrology looking for more in-depth conversations about astrology.